During this month of September, I would like to raise awareness of the 25th anniversary of the death of the autistic child Daniel Leubner, who I previously wrote about in the article titled “For Those Who Do Not Remember The Past…”. As the article states, this Cayuga County, NY case is just as relevant, if not more so, today as it was 25 years ago. I say this because the same corrupt legal system and a number of the same unethical legal professionals that allowed this injustice to occur…have only become more entrenched and are still operating without abandon the same way…25 years later.
I write this article to honor both the memory of Daniel Leubner and his father, Mr. Leroy Leubner, who continues his fight for justice for his son. While I never personally met either Daniel or his father, I came across the website Mr. Leubner created for the memory of his son, https://www.justicefordanny.net, and I have been in communication with him. As I continued with my own investigation of the corruption within Cayuga County, NY, I was surprised to see the attorney I hired in my Netflix nightmare…was a key player in the Daniel Leubner case. I had conducted some research on this attorney, as I do for all legal professionals that I have to deal with, however, I never saw the website for Daniel Leubner until late last fall. I will leave it up to a future analysis of my Netflix nightmare as to whether this was by luck or by design. The news article ”Cayuga County child killer back in court” highlights some of the unethical legal professionals involved in this case and the injustice that was served.
I unknowingly hired one of these attorneys in my case of self-defense which resulted from the “meat grinder” incident which occurred on June 6, 2023. This incident resulted after both my wife and I received threatening texts from her drug dealing ex-husband, specifically with him threatening me with physical violence. A few days after he sent those texts, the drug dealing ex-husband then followed through on his threats and attacked me which resulted in me acting in self-defense. This same attorney who was a key player in the Daniel Leubner case…the lawyer I hired for my defense…then on August 7, 2023, without my knowledge or approval, submitted a letter to the Cayuga County District Attorney, willfully and knowingly with intent, falsely stated that I was “on an experimental cancer medication as his cancer is pretty close to terminal”. This same unethical attorney then took the same letter with false statements and willfully and knowingly with intent, submitted it as part of a court motion on March 21, 2024, as part of court documentation in my case.
This letter, as was intended, has been actively used as part of an ongoing effort at the defamation of my character and in coordinated and conscious attempts to discredit my exposure of the corruption and unethical legal professionals within Cayuga County, NY. I am still waiting to hear back from the Supreme Court of the State of New York - Appellate Division: Fourth Judicial Department - Attorney Grievance Committee to inform me whether or not the actions this attorney are considered unethical…if not illegal. Specifically, why this attorney submitted the letter containing false statements to the Cayuga County District Attorney and as part of court documentation. Additionally, this same attorney willfully and knowingly with intent, withheld information on the drug dealing activities of this ex-husband from the judge in the case as well. Personally, I am still baffled how the State of New York does not consider an attorney who willfully and knowingly submits verifiable false information in court documents in this manner…not to be illegal…but I will wait for New York State’s decision on that one.
I would be interested to see some comments from any other attorneys out there as to whether or not they consider what this attorney is considered to be unethical or not.
I’m also open to having conversations with a law firm to take on my case…and more than likely…a class action lawsuit against these unethical Cayuga County legal professionals and government employees. Feel free to contact me.
In addition to honoring Mr. Leubner and Daniel’s memory, I also wanted to write this article to:
Encourage people to read about the Daniel Leubner case as it’s very interesting given that it also occurred during the prostitution scandal when, now disgraced, Eliot Spitzer was governor of New York State.
Raise awareness of the ongoing corruption within the Cayuga County, NY government and legal system.
Encourage everyone, especially the residents of Cayuga County, to vote unethical politicians and elected government officials out of office regardless of their political affiliation and replace them with individuals with the ethics, morals, and intellect…and the courage to purge these institutions of these malignancies that continue to fester within Cayuga County.
Unethical behavior and tactics used to support corruption within any government does not have boundaries on political party affiliation….other than being part of the Guilty Party. If the United States of America is ever going to recover from what has happened to our country, then people need to vote unethical and corrupt politicians OUT OF OFFICE…regardless of political affiliations. Please REGISTER TO VOTE.
Dear NYS Attorney General Letitia James – it is still not too late to bring justice to these unethical legal professionals for their involvement of the Daniel Leubner case, as well as my own. They are still enjoying operating in their “business as usual” with no accountability as they have been for the last twenty-five years. Mr. Leubner has done an excellent job at documenting his case on his Table of Contents webpage, I’ve placed a backup copy on my Remember Daniel Leubner webpage, and I have tried making it easier for your staff by uploading all of Mr. Leubner’s files to the Office of the New York State Attorney General Whistleblower Portal. I also uploaded almost 400 files of documentation for my own case that contains information on these same unethical legal professionals as well. I would strongly encourage any law enforcement or other legal professionals to take a look at the Daniel Leubner case files as there may be pieces of information related to other open cases related to corruption within the Finger Lakes Region. Mr. Leubner has his contact information posted on his Contact webpage and I’m sure would welcome someone from the NYS Office of the Attorney General or law enforcement to speak with him about the Daniel Leubner case….he is a wealth of information.
I’m raising this awareness of the Daniel Leubner case because of my review of those case files and my own personal experience dealing with the same unethical legal professionals. I personally could make a strong argument that the corruption and unethical behavior of the legal professionals involved in this case…do in fact bear some responsibility towards the death of this autistic child and should be brought to justice. I also want to raise awareness of this case because my case mirrors in many ways what Mr. Leubner have been put through with the corrupt and unethical legal system within Cayuga County, NY.
While I have never met Mr. Leubner in person, in my communications with him I gained an incredible amount of respect for this man. I respect him for his persistence, fortitude, and determination in seeking justice for the wrongful death and injustice that happened to his son. I have respect for the way he meticulously documented his case, assembled the case files, and has worked tirelessly…25 years and counting…to seek justice for his son. I respect him because despite all of the documentation and facts and his efforts, government officials in New York State did not bother listening to him and have allowed the injustice to remain, yet he continues moving forward. The issues Mr. Leubner has come up against very closely mirror my own situation in dealing with the corruption in Cayuga County in many respects. This is particularly glaring given that some of the exact same legal professionals involved in the Daniel Leubner case are also involved in my Netflix nightmare.
More importantly, after conducting the amount of research I’ve been doing into Cayuga County’s corruption, one could easily make the case that the same unethical conditions that permitted the outcome of the Daniel Leubner case, have only become more entrenched, refined, and bold in terms of outright disregard for the law. One only needs to pay attention to the news through different sources and sort through the distractions in order to put the pieces together. I will give credit to the Guilty Parties involved as they have a pretty slick system set up that has been working well for them….and still might. I’ll find out when I get back to New York State at the end of this October.
I also have a great amount of respect for Mr. Leubner because he has not given up on seeking justice for his son. Even after 25 years of the wrongful death of his son, he continues to fight on. During my communications with Mr. Leubner, I promised him that I would continue to raise awareness of the wrongful death of his son and injustice that carries on 25 years later. Mr. Leubner provided me with some very helpful information and gave me permission to raise awareness of his website and Daniel Leubner’s case. Like Mr. Leubner, I have no intention of giving up on exposing the corruption and unethical legal professionals within Cayuga County, NY. As long as these unethical legal professions continue protecting the root cause of the issues within Cayuga County, then I will not cease in my efforts for justice.
I also want to encourage people, especially those who are interested in law enforcement, legal ethics, and true crime mysteries to review the following:
Mr. Leubner’s files on his Table of Contents webpage.
The article “For Those Who Do Not Remember The Past…”.
The article “Reporting Unethical Legal Professionals In New York State”.
The information contained on the Investigate Cayuga County webpage.
The information contained on the Cayuga Case Study webpage.
The information contained on the Cayuga County Law webpage.
Additional supporting Cayuga County News articles.
Additional links to the Daniel Leubner case:
-Cayuga County child killer back in court, November 14, 2008
The case of what happened to Daniel Leubner is both tragic and a true social injustice for the application of criminal law and ethics. The same corrupt and unethical government and legal system operating within Cayuga County for the last 25 years ago, at least in my opinion based on all the research I’ve done and in dealing with my own Netflix nightmare…is still alive and well today. I would really encourage those who are interested to take a closer look at the Daniel Leubner case. Even Edgar Allan Poe would have been interested in reading this case given the similarities in his story lines…
At some point in the very near future, Cayuga County is going to be forced into making a make a decision of either addressing one of the root causes of corruption and unethical behavior in the county…or they are going to have to follow through on the threats to my physical safety that have been promised to me. I look forward to hearing your decision soon and for everyone else out there…please keep Reporting Unethical Legal Professionals In New York State.
Related article that serves as a Table of Contents for articles on Cayuga County: “The Morning After...(humor…but not really)”