Mental Health and Employee Assistance Program Resources
While organizations as a whole have come a long way with providing their employees (and students) with access to mental health and employee assistance resources, a quick at the news on any given day and it seems reasonable to conclude that people are still not getting the help they need. It is no big secret that employee’s and student’s mental well-being can have a substantial ripple effect among coworkers and classmates both positively and negatively. Wise managers learn to recognize problems early on before they spin out of control to the point that entire departments and units are caught up in mental tornados.
Besides learning to try to head problems off up front before they get out of control, when offering resources for staff members, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone responds differently when trying to deal with complex personal issues. There is no “one size” that fits all situations. Additionally, for staff members or students who are under duress, trying to navigate what resources to utilize can seem daunting, if not overwhelming. Most organizations now have an ”Employee Assistance Program” (EAP) or similar programs that can provide a list of local resources available. These programs also benefit staff members and students by simply giving people in need a safe and neutral party they can talk to and someone who will listen to them.
I have been compiling these links for my community portal website in support of the families of Cayuga County, NY and thought I would share this collection of useful links on mental health and employee assistance programs.
NYS Office of Mental Health - Mental Health and Wellness Information – has a long list of various publications.
New York State Center for School Health – has a substantial number of resources.
NYS Department of Education - School Mental Health Education - has a collection of numerous useful links.
The Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) - School Mental Health Resource and Training Center
American Hospital Association – has an extensive list of resources.
NYS System of Care Pilot - The New York State Systems of Care is a partnership between the Office of Mental Health and other state child-serving agencies.
NYS Office of Mental Health - Mental Health Program Directory
Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP)
Mental Health America - has a large list of resources.
United University Professionals (UUP) – NYS Work Life Services
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) - Work Life Services
NYS Department of Health - Get Help for Mental Health or Addiction
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
List of Federal Agencies’ Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
Pan American Health Organization - Mental Health
World Health Organization - Mental Health
World Health Organization - Mental Health At Work
World Health Organization - Guidelines on mental health at work
World Health Organization Special Initiative for Mental Health