Reporting Unethical Legal Professionals In New York State
…and file management tips and links to resources...
As I continue living through my Netflix nightmare and through my ongoing exposure of the corruption within the legal system of Cayuga County, NY…I wanted to share some of the lessons learned, including:
Food for thought for on the discussion of corruption and ethics.
The importance of a file management system and file naming conventions.
Resources for reporting unethical lawyers and judges in New York State (NYS).
Food For Thought
I present food for thought on some of things I have uncovered, observed, and documented over the last 2.5 years of my investigation into the corruption occurring within the legal system of Cayuga County, NY. It is hard to ignore this unethical behavior and corruption, and the situation continues to be documented and reported to various NYS agencies. The information is also discussed in the article “Report Abuse Cayuga Website Explained – A Case Study In Community Activism and Seeking Justice”.
While I do not profess to be a lawyer, I believe that any reasonable person (or jury of my peers) who were presented with all of the supporting documentation…to back up the facts ….would come to the same conclusion that I have arrived at. However, I present the follow bullets as food for thought for law enforcement or other legal professionals especially…to consider whether or not the following demonstrate unethical behavior and/or corruption within the legal system of Cayuga County, NY:
A drug dealer who has been operating and entrenched within Cayuga County and supporting various other nefarious activities continues to be protected by various unethical legal professionals. Because this drug dealer has so much incriminating and embarrassing information on so many important people within the county, he has vowed to publicly release this information if he is arrested. Is this the reason why unethical legal professionals in Cayuga County are protecting this drug dealer?
The drug dealer has a standing attorney…who conveniently has a family relation to one of the county judges. During family court issues between the drug dealer and his ex-wife, the judge assigned the drug dealer’s standing attorney…to be law guardian for the minor son of the drug dealer and his ex-wife. Does it make sense that none of the criminal information on the drug dealing father was ever included in court records even though the law guardian was provided this information from the minor son’s own mother…and current husband?
The same judge was assigned to divorce proceedings involving the same ex-wife and her current husband. Even though the judge issued a court order for a sworn net worth statement in January 2024, the judge is not enforcing his own court order to require the ex-wife to provide the current market value of the timeshare…she still owns with her drug dealing ex-husband. Shouldn’t the current market value be included as part of the net worth statement? Shouldn’t the judge be enforcing his own court order? How is the jointly owned timeshare with the drug-dealing ex-husband not considered part of net worth? Why isn’t the judge charging the woman with contempt considering the court order still has not been fully complied with since it was issued in January 2024? Why did this law guardian not follow through on his responsibilities as a Mandated Reporter as per the NYS Office of Children and Family Services - Summary Guide for Mandated Reporters in New York State?
The same ex-wife also has a different family court attorney who previously received disciplinary action in another state. This family court attorney also withheld criminal information on the drug dealing father. Shouldn’t this family court attorney have submitted this criminal information to the judge as part of court records…even though it was the same judge from above? Why didn’t this family court attorney follow through on here Mandated Reporting responsibilities?
An attorney who worked in a “Title IX” office at a large institution of higher education was provided with criminal information on the drug dealing ex-husband….by the ex-wife and her current husband. This attorney and staff in the “Title IX” office then abused the institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies in an attempt to prevent the current husband from sharing this criminal information “with 3rd parties” (ie. law enforcement and institutional administration). This same attorney continues to withhold criminal information from the current husband’s requesting attorney. Why did this attorney and higher education administrator who clearly meets the definition of a Mandated Reporter…not follow through on reporting requirements? Does it seem strange to anyone else that this involves the same drug dealing ex-husband? Is it because there are other people at this institution of higher education that are connected with this drug dealer’s activities too? Is it because this attorney was making using of the August 7, 2023 noted below, as part of ongoing defamation of character of the current husband? Just investigate Cayuga County for yourself to answer that question.
Another judge issues a court order that substantially violates the civil rights and civil liberties of the current husband. This order was issued with no notice given to the husband nor to his attorney and has not been provided with any sort of due process. This in light of the fact the order was issued without the presence of the ex-wife’s attorney and the claims were based on easily verifiable false statements. Why isn’t the evidence documenting the verifiable false statements being taken into consideration from the judge and why isn’t this woman being charged with contempt? Is it because the verifiable evidence contains information on the drug dealing ex-husband who continues to be protected by unethical legal professionals in Cayuga County, NY?
The same attorney involved in the Daniel Leubner case was also hired by the current husband when he was physically attacked by the drug dealing ex-husband. Even though this attorney was hired by his client as his defense lawyer…this same attorney issued a letter on August 7, 2023 to the Cayuga County District Attorney – without his client’s knowledge or approval. This letter contained the verifiable false statements that his client “is on an experimental cancer medication as his cancer is pretty close to terminal”. This same attorney then took the same letter and submitted it as part of a court motion on March 21, 2024. This letter, as was intended, has been actively used as part of an ongoing effort at the defamation of the character of his client. This despite the fact the attorney was kept well-informed of his client health status >>> which was just confirmed as improving and no cancer diagnosis. This same attorney was also provided with substantial information from both his client and the ex-wife on the drug dealing activities…yet this attorney also willfully and knowingly withheld this criminal information from the courts.
Is it just me or does anyone else think there are at a minimum some ethical issues with an attorney writing a letter with such verifiable false statements and entering it as part of legal proceedings and court documents….and to withhold criminal information from a judge?
These are just a few of the examples of what I would suspect any reasonable person or jury of my peers would come to the same conclusion…that there is a systemic problem of corruption and unethical behavior occurring within the legal system of Cayuga County, NY. Due to stated threats to my physical safety, I have been uploading all of my files for the Cayuga County corruption case to the NYS Office of the Attorney General Whistleblower Portal. To date I’ve uploaded almost 400 files starting from 2022 to present in dealing with this situation…using the file management system below. In the spirit of trying to turn negatives into positives and challenges into opportunities, I wanted to share several file management tips that I’ve used over the years, as well as some useful links for reporting unethical legal professionals in NYS.
If you are dealing with unethical legal professionals, especially if you live in Cayuga County, NY, then please report them and help continue building the case against them…and please remember to VOTE unethical politicians and government employees out of office this November.
File Management Tips
Over the course of my 30+ year career, I have conducted accident and injury investigations, completed local, state, and federal report requirements, and written untold number of business cases and reports. It is also worth noting that I was a college student for 12 years working towards my three college degrees. I have a basic file management system structure that I have used and continue to refine that has been a great help over the years.
Here are some basic file management tips:
Once you come up with a good system that works for you, begin implementation and use it consistently going forward.
Start with current projects and then go backwards to rename other files as needed.
When naming files, rather than using a space “ “ between words, use an underscore “_” instead.
When folders and files names are used with spaces and then files are uploaded, the file names in the URL will appear with a “%20” where the space in between words was located. Using an underscore in between file names should eliminate this problem. Here is an example: No_Spaces_Here.pdf
The following naming convention is very helpful in organizing files as well as creating a timeline of events:
YYYY_MM_DD_File_Name.pdf or YYYY_MM_DD_File_Name.jpg
Create a folder for your project or investigation with all of your files organized according to your folder and subfolders, and then create another folder called “All_Files”.
Place a copy of all of the files (renamed with the naming convention above) in this “All_Files” folder. Do this with all of the files for your report or investigation…both previous and current files.
Create a timeline from your “All_Files” folder doing the following:
Go to your “All_Files” folder and select all files, and then copy the file path.
Paste the file path of all files spreadsheet.
Click on one row in the spreadsheet and copy the file path all the way up to the file name (starting with YYYY_...).
Example (your file path will look different): the whole file path for one file is C:\Desktop\Cayuga_County\CC_Corruption\All_files\YYYY_MM_DD_File_Name.pdf
Copy only this part: C:\ Desktop\Cayuga_County\CC_Corruption\All_files\
Then do a Find and Replace in the spreadsheet
Insert the file path copied above in the “Find what:” search box.
Leave the “Replace with:” as blank.
This will quickly just leave your files names listed in chronological order within your spreadsheet.
Another idea for using this timeline in a spreadsheet is to add a separate column and categorize your files using a code to further sort the supporting files. Here are some examples:
AI = Attorney Initials (helpful when filing attorney complaints)
CC = Cayuga County Corruption
DD = Drug Dealing
DV = Domestic Violence
FC = Family Court
SR = Sheriff Report
Etc., etc.
Get in the habit of using your file naming convention for all of your documents, emails, images, and texts and placing a copy in your project / investigation folder and a copy in your “All_Files” folder.
In conclusion, do not rely on your memory when saving files and get into the habit of implementing a file naming convention and folder structure that works for you. By consistently implementing the file management tips above, you will find your workflow on report writing to be easier and more efficient. Using dated naming conventions and categories in a timeline can make finding relevant supporting documentation more efficient and is helpful is analyzing trends shown within the data.
Such file management tips make it much easier to file complaints on unethical legal professionals and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone reading this article to do so, especially if you live in Cayuga County, NY. If you don’t believe me, then just investigate Cayuga County for yourself….
Useful Links For Reporting Unethical Legal Professionals In New York State
How To Register To Vote – Vote unethical elected officials out office regardless of their political party affiliation.
Alphabetical Listing for NYS Government Agencies – My compliments to NYS for putting together such a nice listing.
Cayuga County Ethics – This webpage contains many of the links below and more.
Cayuga County News - there are plenty of recurring examples to read about.
Here is an article on Cayuga County Office Building - Asbestos Issue, including information on employee rights for NYS employees who work in Cayuga County.
Another related news article “Cayuga County legislators criticize lack of transparency about building's status”
File a Complaint About a Judge
To file a complaint about a Judge including 1) Court Decision, 2) Sexual Harassment or Bias / Discrimination Matters, 3) Rules of Judicial Conduct, or 4) Other Matters.
File a Complaint Concerning a Court Employee
To File a Complaint Concerning a Court Employee including 1) Misconduct, 2) Sexual Harassment or Bias / Discrimination Matters, or 3) Any other concerns regarding a court employee.
Here is a prediction - Cayuga County will likely be seeing more of these complaints if not finding itself involved in a class action lawsuit.
File a Complaint About an Attorney
If you have a complaint against an attorney, you may contact the Attorney Disciplinary / Grievance Committee. The office you need to contact depends upon the location of your attorney.
Purpose of the Attorney Grievance Committee: To Protect the Public - Brochure from the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department.
The Legal Profession - Attorney Client Relationship - The rules that lawyers are bound to follow when representing their clients, and information to help clients if they are having difficulties with their lawyer.
File A Complaint With The New York State Attorney General - File a complaint on a category that best fits your purpose.
Consumer Issues
Housing and real estate
Technology and information privacy
Health care issues
Civil rights and discrimination
Employment issues
Finance, investment, and lending
Public corruption or corporate wrongdoing
Charities and fundraising
Fair market and competition
Office of the New York State Attorney General Whistleblower Portal
The Office of the New York State Attorney General (OAG) welcomes and encourages whistleblowers, tips, and complaints. Whistleblowers are essential to fulfilling our mission: protecting the citizens of New York. Whistleblowing insiders are particularly critical in opaque industries, where transparency is limited.
And…in case anyone is wondering….yes, I am seriously considering writing a screenplay or a fiction novel - based on a true story - about the corruption occurring within Cayuga County, NY.
Related article:
Related article that serves as a Table of Contents for articles on Cayuga County: “The Morning After...(humor…but not really)”